I am thinking of becoming a yoga teacher and I want to learn about the Yoga Industry. Where can a yoga teacher work? How much money does a yoga teacher make? What can I expect to get paid and where? Once I have my 200-RYT certificate where do I...
At the beginning of every teacher-training program I have my students write an essay on this very question. I ask them to do this before they read any of the manuals or textbooks for the course. As I’m sure you can imagine, I get many different answers. A quick...
Sometimes going to a Yoga class can be like entering a foreign country where everyone speaks a different language! Nama-who? Don’t worry and please don’t be intimidated. I’m here to clarify some of those crazy words!These words we use in yoga class are in Sanskrit....
Research has proven that yoga decrease inflammation, boost immune system function, and improves symptoms associated with chronic health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Yoga has also been proven to reducing depression, stress,...
“There is no end to self-development. It’s work, step by step. The gift of yoga is you don’t have to jump to the top of the ladder. Take the first step. Don’t worry about the last step. What presents itself to you is the next step. Then the next step...