Should I do The 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training?
People often ask me if Yoga Teacher Training is right for them. What will they gain? Why should they do it? Attending a Yoga Teacher Training course (YTT as it’s called in the biz!) is so much more then you could ever imagine. Much like Yoga, it is multi-faceted and...
Where can I work as a Yoga Instructor?
New yoga instructors often don’t realize all of the possibilities there are for work in the yoga industry. There are many opportunities for work ‘outside of the box.’ Some take a little more drive and organizing than others however it is great to have a wide range...
3 Common Fears of Becoming a Yoga Instructor
3 Common Fears of Becoming a Yoga Instructor…and why you shouldn’t let them stop you! Do you want to become a yoga instructor but you’re worried about getting work? Do you wonder if anyone will come to your classes? Everyone encounters fear when starting...