Teacher vs Instructor

Teacher vs Instructor

  When I teach the Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) program I often have a conversation around the difference between a yoga instructor and a yoga teacher.   I like to see myself as a yoga teacher, I actually teach my students something. I educate them. I obviously do...
The Importance of Continued Education

The Importance of Continued Education

  Top 4 Steps to Staying Up-To-Date & Relevant A Personal Experience One of the main things that yoga teaches us is that things change. Change is the only constant in this world. Of course this is true for the yoga and fitness industry as well. The industry...

Sanskrit 101- For New Yoga Instructors

What is Sanskrit? Sanskrit translates to refined speech and it is the ancient language of India.  Although it is no longer used in conversation it is used in teaching yoga because yoga was developed in Sanskrit. Why is it important for a yoga instructor to know?...
Work and Play in the Yoga Industry

Work and Play in the Yoga Industry

I am thinking of becoming a yoga teacher and I want to learn about the Yoga Industry.   Where can a yoga teacher work?  How much money does a yoga teacher make?  What can I expect to get paid and where? Once I have my 200-RYT certificate where do I...
What Is Yoga?

What Is Yoga?

At the beginning of every teacher-training program I have my students write an essay on this very question. I ask them to do this before they read any of the manuals or textbooks for the course.  As I’m sure you can imagine, I get many different answers. A quick...